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New name"Jinlong Technology Group Co., Ltd."

New name"Jinlong Technology Group Co., Ltd."

  • Categories:Company News
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  • Time of issue:2012-02-17 16:45
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(Summary description)New name"Jinlong Technology Group Co., Ltd."

New name"Jinlong Technology Group Co., Ltd."

(Summary description)New name"Jinlong Technology Group Co., Ltd."

  • Categories:Company News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2012-02-17 16:45
  • Views:

We are changing name to Jinlong Technology Group Co., Ltd.

Dear all of our friends,

We change our company name to "JINLONG TECHNOLOGY GROUP CO., LTD."

Because of extending our business scope, the old name is not suitable for us.

The old company name 'Jinlong Chemical Group Co., Ltd.' is not used from now on.

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